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I recently learned a really cool fact about old farm tables. When I bought a particularly old farm table the elderly gentleman, whom I purchased it from, gave me a history lesson in pest controll. Yep! Pest control.

dinning-table-traditional foot-table-leg
I was debating on weather to buy this particular farm table because the legs were some what rotted. He explained to me that when the family ate breakfast they would usually make enough biscuits  and other items  to have for lunch and they would be left on the table to be eaten when they came in from the feilds for lunch. To prevent ants from getting on the table they would place jars or cans under each leg of the table with a bit of sugar and water in them and when the ants got to the water they would drown. This prevented mom from having to make biscuits several times a day and saved time when they came in for lunch. However over time the legs would begin to decay and this is why you often find very old farm tables are shorter than today's table  because they would often just cut off the bad part and continue to use the table. Or maybe the legs are not in great shape this is a tale tale sign that the table is truely and oldy but goody. And I Bet ya didn't know that.